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teleCalm | Block & Control Phone Calls
telecalm blocks unwanted scam phone calls for elderly with Alzheimer's controls incoming and outgoing calls dementia or seniors who have compulsive shopping habits
Works with your current phone!
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Protect your loved-one w/ a smarter & safer phone service!

AlzStores's exclusive service plan includes 2 months of free service, NO activation fee, NO addtional equipment costs!*

Price: $139.00

Product Code: M005

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Description Product Features & Specs What We Like Best About This Product

Block Repetitive Calling w/ teleCalm

Protecting Seniors One Call at a Time!

Purchase teleCalm from The Alzheimer's Store and get the first 2 months of service - FREE, then just $54.95 / month after!

Can be used at
home and assisted living & memory care facilities as no phone line or internet is required.

77% of scams against seniors happen over the phone which cost them over $36 billion each year. It is vital to protect your loved-ones while keeping them connected and independent.

  • teleCalm easily replaces an existing home phone service
  • Works with any home phone, including our Memory Picture Phones
  • NO internet required as teleCalm uses wireless technology
  • Unlimited talk time and NO long distance charges
  • No longterm commitment required
  • Protect your loved one from ALL solicitors
  • Keep them connected to friends and family & help prevent repetitive calling
  • Maintain their independence and dignity
  • Create peace of mind
  • Restore quality of life to YOU and THEM
  • You control who can talk to your loved one w/ the teleCalm Caregiver App

WHO is teleCalm for?

A: For a loved-one with Alzheimer's, dementia or for the elderly who are prone to scams, telephone fraud, repetitive calling or compulsive shopping. This is NOT an add-on service. teleCalm replaces an ordinary home phone service for about the same price!

B: For the caregiver who cares for someone living with Alzheimer's, dementia or an elderly individual. A free and simple smartphone app is included to monitor calls, set quiet hours and more – giving you piece of mind!

  • Curb Repeat Dialing - Stop multiple outgoing calls in a short time period
  • Quite Hours - Set custom quiet hours to manage incoming and outgoing calls
  • Phone Scam Protection - Blocks ALL known scammers and telemarketers
  • Enhanced Call Blocking - Only approved callers are allowed to ring through
  • Outgoing Call Filtering - Prevent outgoing calls to TV shopping and other ads
  • 911 Notifications - Immediately notifies family via text message if 911 is called
  • Caregiver App - Family caregivers manage service remotely, review call history and voicemail
  • No Internet Required - No existing phone or internet service is required
  • Use Existing Telephone - Works with your favorite corded or cordless home phone

WHAT does teleCalm do?

Blocks Unwanted Calls

Telemarketers and scammers specialize in taking advantage of our loved ones. The most popular include Lotteries, Technical Support, and IRS scam calls. With the teleCalm app, the caregiver can create an Approved List of friends, family and other trusted people that need to call your loved one. All other callers are blocked. This isn’t one of those ineffective “Do Not Call lists”. This method of call blocking is guaranteed.

Let’s You Sleep

Loved ones often call in the middle of the night, thinking its daytime. Confusing day from night is a common symptom of Alzheimer’s and dementia. But, knowing this doesn’t help you get a good night’s sleep. The teleCalm Quiet Hours feature will remind your loved one of the late night call. The message can be in your own voice. Naturally, there’s an emergency override.

Restricts Outgoing Calls (Compulsive Shopping)

Shopping channels promote their products 24 x 7 with annual sales of billions. Our loved ones are easy prey. The teleCalm app allows the caregiver to define an Approved List of phone numbers the loved one is allowed to call. This can be the same list as Incoming Calls or it could be different. Calls to the shopping channels are eliminated.

Solves Phone Challenges

Seniors report issues with smartphones and other cell phones; buttons are too small, menus too complex, cell phones are easily lost. The teleCalm home phone service allows a loved one to use any landline phone they desire, even an older generation phone they preferred years ago!

Help Prevent Repetitive Dialing

Receiving the same call over and over again from your loved one is disruptive, tiring, and above all disheartening. You may end up saying something out of frustration that you didn’t mean. The Repeat Dialing feature blocks compulsive calls for a defined period of time and plays a message to the loved one. The feature is turned off automatically when the behavior stops.

What Does this Mean for My Loved One?

When the repeat dialing feature is active, and your loved one calls her friend Sue too many times, the call will not be completed. Your loved one instead will hear a message stating that Sue is not available, and to try back later.

"teleCalm is amazing. It has completely eliminated the stress of monitoring my Mom and managing her phone when I can't be with her. With teleCalm's service, Mom gets to keep her independence and I get to keep an eye on things I wish I would have found teleCalm soon!" - Maria, Tempe AZ Family Caregiver

Works with your existing phone -or- use with our best-selling picture phone for easy dialing!


Learn More About teleCalm!

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 20 > Write a review and receive 10% off!

4 of 5 PEACE OF MIND December 17, 2024
Reviewer: Katherine C. from Allston, MA United States  
This has allowed me to see what calls my father is making, as he has been scammed before, and tried to make unwise purchases. I can also see how long each call was for as well.  My father who has Alzheimer's does not know what it does. I have not yet restricted his calling, but that is a nice feature should it come to that. The only trouble is that it often causes a delay between speakers (an echo effect). I got a new phone number through the service, and teleCalm also is its own phone service, which is very convenient. A very reasonable price. I recommend this for keeping an eye on the activities of seniors if there is a question of the safety of their calls.

5 of 5 Outstanding October 29, 2024
Reviewer: Nathan Rickard from Brentwood, TN United States  
I wish I'd found the Alzheimer's store and the relevant phone service five years ago when my parents first darkened the doors of Alzheimer's. This product has so far exceeded my expectations for a very affordable price. Telecalm does everything you need it to do. They've thought of everything. Outstanding.

5 of 5 Perfect phone for seniors August 28, 2024
Reviewer: Penny from OH United States  
This phone works great  replaced  landline have new number  my dad only gets calls from those on his call log , goodbye telemarketers and scam phone calls  they were driving him crazy !
Mention cut his phone bill in half !

5 of 5 Peace of Mind August 28, 2024
Reviewer: Stephanie Hutsell from Newport News, VA United States  
We purchased this phone system to stop the constant spam callers. It was delivered in a timely manner, and the customer service was incredible. I needed to ask several questions and they were patient with me and made sure I understood everything.
It was simple to install, and the relief on my father's face, to not have the annoying calls come in, was priceless. Thank you!

5 of 5 Alzstore solved our dilemma!! April 4, 2024
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Liberty / Texas, TX United States  
After countless hours looking for a phone for our sister we happened upon the store. Telecalm is a godsend and with the Alzstore discount an added benefit.

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